Our Mission and Goals
AASCA’s mission is to advocate for ASCs in Arizona and to promote excellence. AASCA goals include:
Ambulatory surgery centers are revolutionizing the way surgical care is delivered, saving the nation billions of dollars annually. Increasing efficiencies mean that physicians have more time to spend in their practices and patients have lower costs and infection rates.
Like an ASC, our Association is a low cost, efficient organization that focuses on producing results for its members. Facility membership is open to Medicare and State certified ASCs.
AASCA’s mission is to advocate for ASCs in Arizona and to promote excellence. AASCA goals include:
The association’s name shall be “Arizona Ambulatory Surgery Center Association”, herein after “AASCA”
This organization shall maintain a non-profit status and shall abide by the laws of Arizona.
The Bylaws of AASCA will be approved and adopted by the membership. Amendments, repeals, or new Bylaws shall be adopted by the affirmative vote of the majority of the voting members.
The Bylaws shall be reviewed annually by the membership and recommendations for changes shall be made in writing to the executive council. The proposed amendments shall be reviewed and approved by the executive council and presented to the active membership for approval with majority vote. If majority vote is not obtained by the close of voting, then final approval will be made by the Executive council.
Section 1. Classes of Membership
The Association shall have two (2) classes of membership:
Section 2. Eligibility for Membership
Active members shall be facilities that are licensed or, Medicare certified, or accredited by a nationally recognized agency as freestanding Ambulatory Surgery Centers. Each member facility may have multiple employees who are individual representatives; however, each member facility shall have only one (1) votes.
An individual or non-vendor organization that demonstrates an interest in ambulatory outpatient surgery shall become and hold Associate Membership in one of the following categories with approval of the Executive Council. Associate Members shall be non-voting members. (This may include facilities not yet certified, licensed or accredited.)
Section 3. Election to Membership
An application for membership shall be reviewed by the Membership Chairperson and recommendations regarding acceptance for membership will be made to the Executive Council. An applicant who is accepted by the Executive Council for membership shall become a member upon payment of the required dues.
Section 4. Dues
The Executive Council shall determine the amount of annual dues for all categories of membership. Dues are non-refundable. Dues shall be due and payable at a time established by the Executive Council.
Section 5. Membership Renewal
Membership will be renewed annually.
Section 6. Termination of Membership.
The Executive Council, by affirmative majority vote of its members, may suspend or expel a member in the event: a) member fails to pay dues, b) member fails to meet the requirements of membership.
Section 7. AASCA Sponsorship
Each year AASCA will sponsor Active member(s) to attend the ASCA Conference. To be eligible, the member must be in good standing. The number of sponsored members will be determined by the Executive Council based on available funds. A facility will not be eligible for sponsorship in 2 consecutive years.
Officers and Executive Council
The officers of the organization shall consist of a President, President-Elect, Treasurer, Secretary and Past-President. These President, President-Elect and Immediate Past-President shall serve a term of two (2) years. The Treasurer and Secretary shall serve a term of three (3) years. These officers shall serve as the Executive Council and shall serve as liaison to committee chairs . No more than two (2) officers can be from the same organization.
Section 1. Election
Candidates will be nominated by members then voted on by the voting members. Officers shall be elected following the annual meeting. Terms will begin in September.
Section 2. Duties of Officers and Executive Council
President: The President shall be the Chief Executive officer of the organization. He/she shall be present at meetings of the membership and of the Executive Council. The president shall preside at meetings and is responsible for the operations of the organization in conformity with the decisions of the membership.
Immediate Past-President: The Immediate Past-President shall be a member of the Executive Council. Responsibilities include assisting the President and serving in an advisory role to all officers.
President-Elect: The President-elect, a member of the Executive Council, shall assist the President and shall in the absence or disability of the President, perform the duties and exercise the powers of that office. He/she shall serve as Ex-officio on all committees.
Treasurer: The Treasurer, a member of the Executive Council, shall be responsible for all funds of the association. The Treasurer will collect dues and keep an account of all monies received and expended for use of the association and shall make disbursements as authorized by the officers. A report of available funds and expenditures will be presented at regularly scheduled meetings. Funds may be drawn only on the signature of the Treasurer or President. All records are subject to review by the Executive Council at any time. At the expiration of the Treasurer’s term of office, all records, monies, and other property of the association shall be delivered to the successor within ten (10) days.
Secretary: The Secretary, a member of the Executive Council, shall be responsible for all Executive Council and Board documentation and establish effective procedures for Board communication.
Executive Council: The Executive Council shall conduct all business of the association. The Council shall meet annually, shall review financial records of the association annually and report findings to the membership. The Executive Council will act as a liaison with other state associations. The Council may approve duly made and seconded motions regarding the conduct of the business association via e-mail or other such telecommunications device subject to the approval being unanimously consented to by the members of the Council. When meeting in person or via conference call, any vote for approval need not be unanimous.
Section 3: Committees
Committees shall be appointed by the Executive Council. Co-Chairs are permitted as approved by the Executive Council. AASCA members are eligible to serve on the board as Committee Chair for the following committees:
Term for Committee Chairs is two (2) years.
Other ad hoc committees may be established by the Executive Council in their discretion as the need arises.
Committees will keep minutes of all meetings and furnish a copy and report to the Executive Council at the next meeting. Committees shall perform assigned duties as directed by the Executive Council.
Section 4: Meetings
The annual meeting of AASCA shall be planned by the Executive Council. The Council will designate time, place, and agenda. Notice to all members will be in writing/e-mail. Minutes of each meeting shall be forwarded to all members with in ten (10) working days.
Section 5: Funding for ASCA Meetings
At the first meeting of the year, after budget review, if funding for meetings is available, up to two members of the board will be funded to attend the ASCA annual meeting. If funds are available for more than two board members, another board member who has not attended or a representative from a center, as determined by the President, may be offered the funds.
If at any time AASCA dissolves, the properties or monies should not be distributed or used to benefit any member of the association. After payments of debts or liabilities of the association, the monies shall be transferred into a fund exclusively for charitable purposes whose goals and objectives meet the approval of the sustaining members by majority vote.
Evelyn Bloomhart
4676 Commercial St. SE PMB 138
Salem, OR 97302
Danilo D’Aprile, CASC
Vice President, Business Development
Merritt Healthcare
Term: 2024-2025
Communications Chair
AASCA has numerous ways for members to get involved in our organization. One of the ways is to serve on one of our various committees. These committees include:
This committee focuses on developing educational programs to maintain and expand the knowledge base of ASC clinical and administrative professionals. This includes the annual meeting, working towards timely and meaningful topics for all levels of attendees.
Chair: Danilo D’Abrile
Members: Sammy Ramirez | Janet Morgan | Sharon Benson | Laura Patton | Jason Czerwinski
This group of volunteers works closely with the ASCA and the Arizona Legislature and Regulatory Agencies on issues that impact healthcare and ASCs.
Chair: Brock Phillips
Member: Dawn Anthopolous
This committee steers the AASCA membership drive – working towards AASCA’s strategic goal of a stronger membership base.
Chair: Alyssa Smith
Members: Randi Valenti | Jackie McDougall
Member Communication
The goal of this committee is to develop strategies that raise awareness of the AASCA and encourage member and vendor involvement.
Chair: Open
Member: Tonya Zic
The Arizona Ambulatory Surgery Center Association (“AASCA”) was founded in February 2006 when a group of 13 member Ambulatory Surgery Centers (“ASC”) met in Mesa and determined that forming an Association would be beneficial to all concerned. The very first ASC in the country was formed and opened in 1970 in Phoenix. From its humble beginnings, the Association has grown to become a voice for all ASCs in the Arizona, whether they are members or not.
From children to seniors, patients all across Arizona are embracing the innovation that ambulatory surgery centers are bringing to Arizona. Ambulatory surgery centers are revolutionizing the way that healthcare is delivered to patients in a safe and high-quality manner. ASCs are now performing surgeries that only 30 years ago required lengthy hospital stays and often resulted in long recovery times.
The Association is more than the sum of its members as the synergy from the ASCs working collectively together has provided the impetus for the hosting annual educational workshops and seminars. The exchange of information by and between the members and others attending the meetings has proven to be beneficial to raising the awareness of the issues each ASC faces on a daily and on-going basis.